Testimonial From Certified Pest Control

Thank you for your help. We’ve found it to be very enlightening and eye opening. As of now, we have begun to implement better daily check-ins using both in-person and virtual opportunities to do so. We are helping our technicians understand daily productive sales and revenue opportunities, looking at yesterday’s productivity and today’s opportunities.
We’ve improved our AR policy based off your teachings.
We have learned how to break our business down into 6 lines of business (LOB’s). We are now able to understand what our monthly retention rate is in our main LOB’s (Pest Control & Termite) and how to accurately calculate customer retention and net gain both on a monthly basis and on a year-to-date basis.
You’re working to help us understand accrual base accounting and the profitability of each LOB. We’ve gained insight as to how many leads we should be generating from our marketing (with the lion share coming from our digital marketing efforts) and how much our cost per lead should be and how to measure and increase our ROI on our advertising budget. We’ve learned how much we should be spending on marketing.
We’ve began to improve route density utilizing our software to maximize route density which will save us in gas, vehicle wear&tear, increase productivity and increase ROA.
We’ve learned how important it is to have an HR audit with a HR consulting firm.
Thanks to you, we now offer “CERTIFIED BUCKS” (we’ve had a few clients who have already generated leads for us and received CERTIFIED BUCKS).
We have begun to change the way our technicians check out supplies needed to monitor under usage or over usage. We now have a spreadsheet that helps us understand our inventory and costs involved.
We’ve learned the proper steps of great service. We have a better understanding of the proper steps to a service proposal. My team are all working to watch all of your videos you sent me plus complete your workbook.
We are looking forward to your help in other areas such as training, recruiting and retaining salespeople and technicians and general staff. In addition, we also will be looking at your recommendations for safety, employee compensation and benefits, management training, administrative training, pricing strategy, P&L analysis, how to read a balance sheet, how to properly implement everything we’re learning, and much more that we are sure we will learn from you as time progresses. You mentioned how important it is to prioritize those things most closely related to results and that will be a real focus of ours each day.

We are looking forward to what is to come next as you work with us toward sustainable, exponential growth in both our revenue and profit."

Luke Hall & The CPC Team
Ft. Myers/Naples Florida

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