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The Exponential Formula

Friday, September 21, 2018

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Years ago, in 2005, and after I had built the 14th largest pest control company and 5th largest lawn spray company in the country, someone asked me “how did you build this company to this size?” My immediate response was “there is nothing like a big, strong sales force.” At that time, nearly 1/3 of our team members were sales people, aka Service Consultants. Of course, other key ingredients are: customer retention, great service and recurring revenue. These other key ingredients to exponential growth are also sales-drivers. However, no matter how great your service is, you are going to lose some customers. So to achieve rapid growth year after year, you need a sales force large enough and effective enough to not just replace customers no longer with you but to also pile on more new accounts so that your net gain is enough to support rapid growth.
-Greg Clendenin

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